Although it does not appear that the Horde used firearms, they did employ gunpowder weapons, flaming arrows, and explosive bombs. The first reference to Russian use of firearms appears to be in the Sofiiskii vremennik chronicle during the 1382 defense of Moscow from Tokhtamysh's Golden Horde, one hundred years earlier. Infamous for their skill, a Mongolian archer was reputedly able to hit a target 200m away. Mongol forces relied on archery, not firearms, which they were at ease with on or off horseback. It is likely the firearms of the Russians were a major favour in their success in repulsing these advances. The Great Horde was defeated, ending their hold over the Russian princes forever. However he waited for weeks in vain, King Casimir, beset by his own internal troubles never came. Ahmed, who had made an alliance with King Casimir of Poland waited for his ally before making an attack. The two forces met at the Ugra River, a tributary of the Volga River, within reach of Moscow. Crusader Kings - 💡 Did you know? 8 October 1480 - A bit outside of CK3's time: On October the 8th of 1480, the forces of Akhmat Khan of the Great Horde & Ivan III Grand Prince of all Rus, fought on the Ugra river.